Thursday, April 19, 2012

Foot Massage and Discipleship

Christian discipleship is the journey into a relationship with Jesus that deepens and grows. It is a kind of mutual bonding between Jesus, when he called us to follow him, and we, followers when we say yes from our heart. His love exceeds what he receives in return. He affirms our faith through telling us “be not afraid” recurrently although we always show fear and hesitation.

The path of discipleship may not be an easy journey and we need a community to support each other. However, the differences among the community of disciples may bring frustration and it is especially this time for us to learn how to live in harmony and nurture the sense of inclusiveness.

For me, Jesus’ own behavior of walking, eating and drinking with the poor inspires me to accept people who were considered worthless and treated as invisible. This challenges me to build connection with the marginalized and treat them equally. Some years ago, after taking a class on "spirituality and liberation" and a workshop on linking massage therapy with spirituality, I started volunteering for the Care Through Touch Institute, a non-profit organization which serve the marginalized through massage therapy. I hope to integrate my spirituality with serving the poor and underprivileged through this social ministry. I give upper body massage (neck, shoulder, back, head and hands) to people in a self-help community center about twice a month. This service also reminds me to pray for the homeless and marginalized people, and be more aware of the social policies relating to this.

I agree more and more that as a disciple of Jesus, my prayers need actions to back up and my spiritual practices urges me to act according to the teaching of Jesus.

In the past Holy Thursday, I did foot massage for the first time. I attended a one-day workshop to learn how to do it. It was not just a skill-learning workshop, Mary Ann, the director of the institute, and Pamela showed us the sacredness of serving others through foot massage. They also alerted us to pay more attention to our own bodies and the connection among all of us who gave and received massage. Giving massage on Holy Thursday was a profound experience for me. It reminded me how Jesus served people through washing their feet. He called us to “go and do likewise.” That’s what I tried to do.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

2011 Gratitude and Reflection

This is a year of challenge and gratitude and I would like to share some aspects of my life in Berkeley and Hong Kong with you.

About my study
This is the third year of my doctoral study at Berkeley. I have finished my two-year course work and have passed my comprehensive examination proposal (comp proposal) in November. In the coming year, apart from taking a course on Course Design and Teaching, I will mainly focus on preparing and working on my four examinations (Christian Ethics with focus on Catholic Social Ethics, Methodology of Asian Theology with focus on a Chinese Theologian, Chinese Social Thought with focus on Confucian Ethics, Interdisciplinary Model and Case Study). Then I will have an oral defense of my four written exam papers in or before November 2012.

I have a few achievements this year that I really have to give thanks to God for guiding me all the way of my study. The most important thing is the passing of my comp proposal in the November area meeting of the Interdisciplinary Studies Area. My original plan was to work on it during summer and propose it in September or October. However, due to my work on another paper and the delay of confirming an outside reader, I could only propose in November. Luckily, with the advice of my committee members, my proposal was passed with good comments. Moreover, I received the Chan Prize in an essay contest at GTU and the Newhall Award on co-teaching a course with a professor next year. The theme of my paper in the Chan essay contest is to examine the human rights values from the Confucian tradition and Roman Catholic tradition. The course I will co-teach is Faith in Human Rights. Furthermore, my paper proposal was accepted in a Women and Religion Conference at GTU. I will present a paper about how to uphold the dignity of the working women of rural China in March. I thanks all the teachers and schoolmates who discussed with me, exchanged ideas with me and showed support to me. I learnt a lot from them.

About my family and holiday in HK
I experienced a very difficult time since June when I heard the news of the hospitalization of my 12-year old nephew Kahay. Due to peritonitis & enteritis, Kahay has been stayed in hospital for over
four months. For over one month, he is not allowed to eat anything and only receive nutrition via intravenous drip. My sister and in-law as well as my family worried a lot. But they are strong persons and tried to take care of Kahay with an optimistic attitude. As I was far away from them, I could only pray for them and talked with them through skype from time to time to show my support. Luckily, Kahay got better and better and left the hospital in November. Now, basically all things get to normal except there is a wound in his small bowel & belly. When I went back home at the end of the year, I saw a healthy, happy and lively boy. I was so full of joy when I saw him again.

I went back home for a few weeks to see my family and friends during Christmas and the new year. It was a precious time for me and I had chance to spend quality time with my beloved ones. I ate a lot and share a lot with them. I treasure friendship with all these old and new friends who give me tremendous support and encouragement. I know that's signs of care and love from God. I can feel God's presence through them.

Besides, since my mother moved to another apartment a few months ago, I spent some time clearing my old stuff and rearrange my things, especially my books. In this process, I looked through many things which accompanied my growth, including books, magazines, CDs…. I dared not throw them away as they influenced me in one way or another and formed my values. However, I have to let go and clear space. I will continue to treasure them in my memory.

About my spiritual life
I took a summer retreat in daily life for three and half weeks in June and July in Berkeley and a three-day retreat in Hong Kong. They are valuable time for me to spend more silent prayer time with God. I aware more and more the presence of God in my life no matter what I do and where I am. I have to give thanks to my spiritual directors in Berkeley and Hong Kong. They are good companions on my faith journey and they themselves made me feel the love and care of God.

Besides, I do eggs painting as a spiritual practice. I learnt the Pysanky egg painting from Becky and Zoe, two friends at GTU. This is a tradition from Urkaine and the families do this together during the Lenten season. Painting the eggs needs patience and I do this in silence in a prayer mood. This is also a relaxing exercise for me when I want to take a rest from my study.

About my living place
I moved from the dormitory to an apartment with Pui Fong, a GTU schoolmate with major in spirituality. She is also from Hong Kong and we were dormmates for two years before we moved to this apartment which is also on campus. It is a spacious place with kitchen. We cook dinner together almost everyday and go to grocery shopping with the help of other friends. We are able to watch Chinese news on TV during our dinner time. We also invite friends to eat with us from time to us. It’s a blessing that we are able to have this apartment and do not need to eat in the school dining hall everyday anymore.

About my volunteer work and social life

Apart from study, I start volunteering in the Care Through Touch Institue, to give massage therapy and healing in the Tenderloin Self-help Centre in San Francisco since June of the past summer. People come to this centre are homeless or unemployed who seek for help and support, thus cannot afford to pay therapy if they have physical problem.
This is an important ministry for me to get in touch with the underprivileged and serve them through healing and spiritual support.

Moreover, I have social gatherings with friends from time to time and I treasure the friendships with them.

Gratitude and Reflection
When I reflected on all these experiences, I really feel gratitude and thanksgiving to God.
I resonate a lot when I read the following passages on bible and on internet.

Jesus the Faithful One.
"Look back on your life, and see how I have helped you through difficult days. If you are tempted to think, "Yes, but that was then, and this is now" remember who I AM! Although your circumstances may change dramatically, I remain the same through time and eternity. This is the basis of your confidence. In My presence you live and move and have your being."

"Never worry about anything; but tell God all your desires of every kind in prayer and petition shot through with gratitude, and the peace of God which is beyond our understanding will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4: 6).

The Chinese New Year is coming, wish you have a happy and fruitful year of the dragon.
