We met Sr. Maria Angela early in the morning and she brought us to St. Mary Secondary School where she works for. It is a school located next to the slum area and accept students from the slum. Sr. Maria Angela is proud of her work as she puts lots of effort in running the school. She picked up the work as director of the school only after the violence in December 2007. She felt she was called to do something to help the youth in the slum so that they would not waste their time and being used to fight in riot or violence.
We were impressed by her commitment in running the school. She involves in everything -- from hiring a new principal and teachers, recruiting students to meeting their parents to know their family situation. The tuition fee are paid according to the ability of parents. Sr. Maria would then looks for sponsors to support the daily expenses of the school.
With heavy workload and challenges from the school and the society, she gains strength through prayers. She believes that God always guide her and help her to solve porblems. She compares faith as the root of a tree. When there is wind and storm blowing towards a tree, if the tree wants to stand firm, it must has long and strong root. Faith is just the same. When one face difficulties, the faith will becomes stronger so as to overcome the challenges. We can see Sr. Maria Angela is a strong woman despite thee many difficulties she has to face.
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