Friday, July 25, 2008

Kenya Trip Day 7

with Quebec missionaries, left 3 at the back row is Fr. Richard.

books of African studies

"sharing knowledge"

Today we visited the Tangaza College of the Catholic University of East Africa. There is an African Studies Program in the Tangaza College and Stephanie is one of the students. Characteristics of African Culture is a compulsory subject of the program. There are more than ten topics in this subjects. Apart from lecture, students have to do field study and conduct interviews with the related persons. Since Stephanie is a lay missionary working in another culture different from hers, she wants to learn more about the African culture. I found this college emphasizes a lot inculturation of theology and how to integrate faith with local culture. I am very interested in its methodologies as it is inter-disciplinary. Maybe we can borrow some of the methods when conducting research on inculturation in Hong Kong or Asia. Thus, I bought some books and will take a look later.

In the afternoon we went to visit the Quebec Missionaries in Kenya. One of the missionaries is Fr. Richard. Fr. Richard had been working in HK for 16 years. I also know him when working in Justice and Peace Commission because he is the chaplain of Catholic Youth Council for several years. He has very good memory and still remember me. I'm glad to meet him again and he is very kind to share with our group. He is more than 65 years old now but just came to Kenya for several years and has to learn a new language Kiswahili. We appreciate him a lot for his commitment, enthusianism and passion in the missionary work. He said once they went sent to another place, they would not look back and miss the former place because they have a new mission. He said they understand the nature of missionary work. Their work is transition for local people to continue. Thus, once the mission is established, they will move to another place. Sharing with Fr. Richard and other missionaries inspired us a lot.

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